For the past 7 years, God blessed Wayne and I with a home, children, a church, and a "family." It is highly unusual for a military family like ours to get to stay in a place longer than 3 years. But we did...we got the opportunity to stay in Beaufort and to God I am grateful. When Wayne and I moved to Beaufort we had a bubbly 18 month old daughter and had only been married for 2 1/2 short years. We were young and inexperienced in the ways of the world. There were so many opportunities for us to get things wrong, but by God's grace he aligned everything just so. Before we came to Beaufort we prayed for a home, we prayed for a church home, and we prayed for every little detail in our lives. God put people in our paths who could of steered us wrong but didn't...unsaved people were watching out for us...for instance...our realtor told us straight up everything we needed to know about buying and owning a home; our mortgage broker who gave us sound financial advice instead of just trying to get whatever money out of us he could, and so on...Looking back I am so thankful that God handles the smallest of details...You would think that after all this time I would have already learned that lesson...but God is constantly reminding me and teaching me and yes even disciplining me...
I can honestly say that when we sold the house in April, I was thankful that God lined everything up the way he did...I was looking forward to what God had in store for us next...but somewhere after that I lost own personal set back...
I began to focus on what I had in Beaufort and how I no longer had it...
1) We had a great place we called home and now had no home that Wayne and I could call our own - he is living on the ship and the kids and I are staying at my folks...
2)We had a great church home who fed us
God's word (meat not milk) - and now I am doing my best to find us a temporary church home until we move to Norfolk in August, so I don't feel connected/or an active participant to the church we have been attending
3)We were a family...Now since Wayne is living on the ship which is now currently deployed I feel like our family is incomplete
4)We had like-minded support - Don't get me wrong we have lots of support here, just not the support and "family" we had in Beaufort...(I miss yall by the way!)
5) My list could go on and on....
SO what changed...was it God?...
Hebrews 13:8 - Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever.
God loves us and has still provided for us through it all...The Lesson I Have Learned
1) I still have a roof over my head
2)I still have the ability to go to church freely
3)I still have a family even with Wayne away...God needs my husband on that deployment for some reason I may never know and God will use him as he sees fit
4)I have support, be thankful for that, but also that support I had in Beaufort is still there and thanks to wonderful technology I can still keep in touch.
So what has wasn't was ME...
I was so wrapped up in the changes and how it affected me and the kids and my life that I stopped seeking God and his council. In that last sentenced I just typed I used words that refernced "me" 4 times. I had put myself ahead of God and it was no wonder I felt so lost.
See - 2 Timothy 3
So today I am thankful to God for the convictions He has given me...for not giving up on me...for blessing me even when I don't see it...and for being a forgiving and merciful God. I thank God for the trials in my life, for bringing me through those trials, and for the trials I know will come.
Thank you God for the home you have made available for us in Norfolk. Thank you God for seeing us through the trials. Thank you God for Wayne. Thank you God for our children. Thank you God for our family and "family." Thank you God for those who pray for us. Thank you God for being a big and awesome God who handles the smallest of details.
Thank you just doesn't seem enough does it?
Colossians 3:15-16
Let peace of Christ rule in your hearts, to which indeed you were called in one body; and be thankful.
Let the word of Christ richly dwell within you, with all widson teaching and admonishing one another with psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing with thankfulness in your hearts to God.
My prayers for the day -
Lord, watch over my husband while he is on deployment. Help him keep his mind on You and the mission at hand. Don't let his focus get distracted by things that are not of You.
Lord, watch over our marriage while the Navy keeps us apart. Help us to endure the seperation and to keep our focus on You.
Lord, watch over our family while Wayne is away. Keep us strong and let us be a support to Wayne.
Lord, watch over the kids and protect their hearts. Help them to understand that we are going through changes like the deployment and a move. Help them adjust.
Lord, help me as I manage our home while Wayne is away. Give me patience, peace, understanding, and wisdom as we go through this time of transition and change.
Lord, help Wayne and I to not loose focus on You and the plans You have made for us.
Lord, I also pray that you watch over our "family" in Beaufort. We know of so many who are going through trials of their own who need You and Your mercy, healing, comfort, grace, and love.