Tuesday, May 1, 2007

Busy, Busy, Busy

Well, first I want to say thanks for all the welcomes! It would appear that Amy has hooked quite a few of us! I am excited about starting this, but I will say that I am very busy this week and may be posting older pictures from earlier this month. I hope that isn't a problem! I have family coming into town later this week and my house is a disaster area! Yesterday's migraine put me behind! So now I have to catch up! So I am starting my busy house cleaning day on the computer because I will not be able to get on the computer later! So here is a picture from the saturday before Easter. Myself and the 3 kiddos spent Easter in VA visiting our families, and what do you know we got snow!!! My kids were loving it even though it didn't last very long! I tell you it was weird seeing spring flowers and snow! So here is one of my favorite pictures from that day. Oh and on a side note, I look forward to getting to know everyone!


AmyWhit said...

And you said you didn't know how to work your camera!! Come off of it, girl, cause I ain't buyin' it! I love this shot. The snow on the bright flowers is beautiful.

Don't work too hard today!

Judy said...

I'm with Amy! Beautiful, yet ironic. You captured it all.

Shelia said...

Gorgeous! I've never seen snow topped flowers before! LOL

jamie said...

This is really pretty!!! I wish I could have flowers AND snow!!! I just get the SNOW!!!! We are finally starting to get color around here!!! If you don't mind I want to add ya to my fellow bloggers..