Saturday, May 12, 2007

A Get Together

As many of you already know, Amy and I and all the kids got together on Friday for a little play date. We had a great time even though it was super hot! The kids got to eat their lunch at the park, play, and go get ice cream! The ice cream was well worth it considering the hot hot hot weather we experienced. Anyways here are some of the pics I took! Hope everyone has a great weekend and a Happy Mother's Day!


Riley (now I know what Amy means by he won't look at the camera!)

Hannah & Riley

Lilly (and her constantly dirty face)

Lucas (sleeping as usual)



Riley (not to thrilled that I am taking his picture)


AmyWhit said...

It was alot of fun, and so worth the hot weather! It's always nice to be able to photography someone other than my own kid, who obviously has issues with the camera! LOL. I guess that's natural after five years of having a camera in his face. It's a wonder he even recognizes me without the camera in front of my face! LOL.

I really like the last shot of Riley (even though he doesn't look HAVE seen my pics, right???!! They're the same way!), and I like the sleeping Lucas pic and the one of Lilly (is that when we were cornering her with our cameras?! LOL).

And the pics are safely copied onto a CD for you!

jamie said...

I really wish that I knew what it meant to be HOT again!!! Sometimes I think I am hot, but I really am not!! I think it was a whole 47 degrees today!!

You guys look like you had so much fun!! Love your pics!

Judy said...

What fun, oh for those days again. I am so proud of all of you mothers, ya'll are doing a great job with these kids.

Keep taken the pictures..