Friday, June 15, 2007

Sorry Sorry Sorry

I know I have been neglecting the blog! As Amy can attest to, I have been generally busy. I know, story of my life. I am trying to adjust to Wayne being gone. Not easy. It doesn't help when Lucas decides that he needs to nurse every 2 hours! Needless to say, I have put things on hold this morning just so I can update a bit. I am roughly 8 days behind on this blog, so today you will only get five pictures. I finally found my camera battery charger, I just haven't downloaded the camera yet. I will also apologize for not visiting all of ya'lls pages and commenting, I hope to get to that on Sunday! I look forward to checking them out! I do ask though that yall keep me and my family in your prayers. My 5 year old is struggling with emotions of her daddy being away. They are best buddies! I don't have the heart to tell her that even though he is coming home on the 23rd of June he is still leaving for Iraq and will not be home until May of 2008. I know this will be difficult. Also, Saturday myself and two other ladies are singing a trio at a music festival at a church in Bluffton, so please pray about that as well. Anyways onto the pictures...just some shots from last week. A couple are of Lucas (whom we affectionately call Roly Poly), another of Hannah being silly, and two of Lilly. Enjoy the Friday!


Judy said...

Glad you are back. The kids are so cute.

I know it is a struggle while your hubby is away. My son is away in "Stan". For one year as well. We will all pray in agreement that all the daddys will be safe and home soon. Also praying that you and your group will sing beautifully.

Ole 'Roly Poly' is a doll!

AmyWhit said...

"Lukie" is sooooo cuddly! I can't wait for my next one. I love them at his age. When they're developing their little personalities and just giggle and smile all the time. Okay, well not ALL the time, but you know what I mean. Love the first pic the best!!

jamie said...

I know what you are going through with your 5 year old. My Emily, who was also 5 at the time Shane left, had real problems. She would pray all the time that "daddy would come back where he belonges". For a 5 year old to say things like that to me or to God, is hard to hear. I think that not only are they close, but that 5yrs old is very hard for them. They know he is gone and they get it, but they don't get it. ya know?? My 8 yrs old, was more ok with it than Em. And Mac, the baby, didn't really care. She was too young. All I can say is hang in there. If you need to talk, I will give you my number.

I will be praying for you and your family to be strong. It is a hard time for you all!! That's why they say to be a military family you have to be STRONG!! It takes special people... and you guys are one of them!

I love the roly poly one!! Love his rolls! Your girls are so cute!

Nancy S. said...

Tara,you have three beautiful children. I can't beleive how fast Lukus is growing. Hey, I love Roly Poly babies.

I will be praying for you and Wayne. I just wish this war would end and they all could come home to their familes.

Shelia said...

I love the last pic of Lucas! The girls could not be more beautiful if they tried!

Jamie is so right, it takes a very strong woman to be a military wife. I'm proud of all of you who hold it together while the Dad's are gone. Hang in there Tara, we are lifting all of you up in prayer and praising God for the people who willingly go over there to keep us safe.

Judy said...


My heart aches just from reading your story about Hannah missing her dad. I cant imagine how you cope but know that 3 children do not give you much choice to sit and stew! Hang in there and we will all pray that daddys and mommas all come home safely.

Judy T.